Saturday 20 July 2013

How to Join Hellovenus Daum Cafe + Leveling

131229 UPDATED - Update how to make daum account
How to Join daumcafe and Hellovenus's fancafe
How to join daumcafe

1. Go to this link

2. Write your email addres, then click the button

3. After that, verification code will sent to your email. Open your email, copy the code and paste it, then click  "확인". After that write your name, check those checkbox (look at picture). Then register.

4. Write new Daum ID (This is used to login at daum) and write new password.

5. If this appeared, you are succesfully registered :)

6. Go to

Note: Please read and look at the screencap if you confused
1. Scroll the page untill you find this

2. Write 1. (Nickname) 2. (Name) 3. (Date of Birth ([format: YYYY.MM.DD]) 4. (Gender, 남자 for male and 여자 for female) 5. (Country) Then lock the post

(note: The screencap a bit wrong)

3. After posting, we should set our post permission into "open" so staff can read our post and level-up our id. Go here

5. If the next day shown like this, you already succesed leveling up. Now you can acces schedule, BTS pic, announcement, etc.

Take out with credit
Tutorial by yurara
If there's something you dont understand, ask me via twitter ^^